In order for us to achieve the best results, you must follow the pre care instructions correctly!

  • -Please plan to avoid prolonged sun exposure for 30 days after the scheduled appointment.

    -To perform cosmetic tattoo procedures on the lips, the skin of your lips must be hydrated and moisture on the day of your appointment. We ask all clients to begin a daily lip regiment a week before you are scheduled to come in to prepare the lips.

    -Drinks a lot of water weeks before your appointment until the day.

  • -Apply chapstick or lip oil through out the day

    -Laneige Lip Mask (sephora has it) is the best to keep your lips smooth and hydrated

    -Drink plenty of water

    -You can do gently lip exfoliate too if you like. Best time to do it is after shower when your lips are soft. The middle of your bottom lip is usually dryer and easily form flaky skin, so you can focus on those area. (Homemade lip scrub can be made with brown sugar, honey and olive oil in same proportion)

     *** if skin is overly dry , cracked, peeling, blistered, burnt or has scab on the day of your appointment, Unico Artistry reserves the right to cancel your appointment. Procedures cannot be performed if the skin is not properly prepared.***

  • Though the sensation of micro pigmentation is minimal, all clients will respond to pain differently. to alleviate possible discomfort, a strong topical anesthetic will be apply before and during the procedure. ***Please do not take any blood thinners such as ibuprofen and aspirin 24 hours before. Tylenol can be taken 30 mins before your treatment without any contraindications.***

  • -For clients with an ANY history of cold sores/fever blisters/herpes, please contact your physician and request a prescription for Zovirax or Valtrex.

    -Taking preventative medication is recommended on the day of and the day after your appointment as a potential outbreak can occur as the skin's natural reaction to the procedure.

    -If you experience frequent outbreaks, please note that Lip Blush can only be done after 4 weeks from your most recent outbreak.

    -All other questions or concerns regarding medications and outbreaks should be discussed with your healthcare physician.

  • -5 days before, during, and 5 days after your menstrual cycle you will be more sensitive and experience more discomfort and bleeding during the procedure. You are also more likely to experience premature color loss because of this. Please try to avoid booking your Lip Blush appointment during those days.

    -The skin should not be dry, chapped, or irritated on the day of the appointment.

    -You may swell; please make sure you don’t have anything important for the next 1-2 days after your visit (depends on the person).

    - If you use or have used RetinA or any other medications, please advise the technician.

    - Do not exercise the day of the procedure.

    - Do not tan or come with a sunburned face.

    - Do not consume caffeinated products 24 hours before or on day of the procedure. (you will bleed a lot with caffeine in your system)

    - Do not consume alcohol 3 days before your procedure and 3 days after.

    - Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Ibuprofen 72 hours before the procedure.

    - Avoid Chemical Peels, Botox, Laser treatment 2 months before your appointment.

    - Lip Blush should not be performed until 6 weeks before/after having any fillers/injections

It is important to follow these specific POST CARE instructions to ensure the best possible healing and results.

  • Do not touch, scrub, lick or pick your lips once the peeling and scabbing has started. If you do take of the scabs, this can pull out pigment and result in uneven healed results.

  • For the first 2 nights after procedure, gently cleanse your lips at night with a gentle cleanser and warm water to prevent the build up of lymph. (Excess lymph contributes to lots of scabbing.) After that, avoid washing your lips or let any soap or products with alcohol touch your lips area until lips is healed.

  • Use ice or cold compress to reduce swelling in the first 24 hrs (only if needed).

  • Use only the ointment that was provided to you regularly until lips healed. Please don’t let your lips become too dry. Avoid applying ointment to the peeling and scabbing areas.

  • Avoid sweaty workout the first 24 hrs.

  • No sauna, tanning and swimming the first two weeks.

  • Avoid direct sunlight for 2 weeks. Apply SPF in the morning after applying ointment.

  • Drink through a straw until lips is completely healed.

  • No spicy food for 24hrs.

  • No facial, botox or chemical peel for 2 weeks.

  • Avoid soaking and getting your lips submerged in water.

  • Do not apply makeup to your lips until they are fully healed.

  • No injection or filler on your lips for 30 days after lip blush procedure.

  • Apply a thick layer of moisturizer when showering, bathing and brushing teeth. Use small amount of toothpaste (for 5 days). The alcohol in toothpaste could affect the lip color.